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8 months!


Taken the following day after our arrival.

It seems like yesterday and not at the same time, its been eight months since we arrived, "ready" to face a new life full of changes, laughter, family gatherings and most important safety and education to give us a peace of mind as individuals and also as a family. We have been through a lot in these past 8 months, that is why I said it seems like yesterday but not. Starting with the fact that our passports were stolen in the flight on our way in, that was a bit of a nightmare, yet we always seem to find our angels here and there to help us out, so thank you to all of you that helped.
Long story short, after a few months, passports did appear in a hotel in Germany, nowhere near where we had been.
 Oh well, even from that something good came out, now I know that one should always have another piece of ID hidden somewhere else and all documents scanned in a USB stick.
We did learn a lot about ourselves, our friends and our family and how the person that you least expect comes out and tries to help regardless the distance.
Basically the way I see it now, we are just here to collect experiences and try to learn and make the most out of our life!

I have to confess that the thought of living on an Island, believe it or not, causes me a bit of uneasiness yet I think it is getting a little better as each month passes. I do miss looking at a mountain once in a while, yet I traded the mountains for a very picturesque ocean view with a Marina and a cute village, hills are not yet good enough nor give me the sense of standing on solid ground. 
Do not  get me wrong it is a beautiful place, we chose a very nice town near the city yet its still suburbs but with all the amenities nearby, nothing compares with the scenery that I used to take my breath away every single day of the 5 years I spent in Vancouver. I guess my bar has been set way too high, Van would always be my home. 
"Home is where the heart is" people say! Perhaps in the near future I might change my mind and feel the same way about this island, that it does have its own very magical and unique charm.

I have always said that if in your life you encounter a situation that asks of you to make changes, you should always stay at the same level of what you are used to or higher but never lower, that's when things fail! So when we looked at the places to where we could live, we had a couple of choices, we based our decision on where the best school is and chose a place that we liked within the catching area, after all that is one if not the biggest reason we decided to move right? 


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