All my beautiful places include also the unseen, the heart! * Most of you know this about me, some of you don't know I actually know and think you are keeping a great secret and the rest probably don't even care. Some wonder how did it happen? How come did I find out? Why then? Who told me "the truth"? I am not ashamed to share it with the world because I truly feel blessed and I would love to help people understand and realize that adopting a child should come from the heart, its love in its purest form and truly there is nothing wrong. If its your case, give yourself the chance to open up to the possibility of giving somebody that was not wanted/liked/needed by their own blood a chance to have a decent home with you. It could be "your chance" to make the difference to change somebody's life and transform it into what life should be about, selfless love and caring. Look at me, I am where I am because unselfish people decided to give...